Martin Bailey

Two Van Gogh fakes in Washington? Strong evidence produced against early drawings at the National Gallery of Art

Revelations in new book about an attic discovery throw fresh light on Vincent’s decision to become an artist

a blog by Martin Bailey

In a moving letter, Van Gogh complains about quarantine after his forced removal from the Yellow House

New exhibition at Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum is a unique opportunity to see Vincent’s correspondence, normally locked away in a vault

a blog by Martin Bailey

Coveted Van Gogh bouquet to be sold at Sotheby's New York, valued at $18m

Chequered past: from the Bear Skin to the Nazis, a once-restituted painting is now coming up for auction

a blog by Martin Bailey

Scottish museum joins Tate in cutting ties with dealer Anthony d’Offay

Hundreds of works will be returned following harassment allegations dating back to 1997

The most famous bedroom in art history: secrets of Van Gogh’s nocturnal life

A story of changing wall colours, a pair of pillows, wartime bombs and the hunt for a lost bed

a blog by Martin Bailey

Gauguin and Van Gogh: their shared love of Japan revealed

“Beautiful women” in Gauguin’s rediscovered manuscript are now identified as by Kunisada—Vincent’s favourite Japanese printmaker

a blog by Martin Bailey

Gauguin claims credit for Van Gogh’s Sunflowers: the revelations of a rediscovered manuscript

In Avant et Après—just acquired by London's Courtauld Gallery—Gauguin details his tumultuous time with Van Gogh

a blog by Martin Bailey

Royal Academy of Arts considers selling Michelangelo marble to plug financial hole—and not for the first time

Some academicians argue that instead of cutting almost half of the institution's jobs, it should consider selling the Taddei Tondo—worth several hundred million pounds

The Big Review: Gauguin and the Impressionists at the Royal Academy of Arts

The London exhibition has many highlights, but viewing this long-planned show is unlike anyone could have envisaged before the coronavirus pandemic

Rediscovered Paul Gauguin manuscript written in his Polynesian hut reveals artist's hidden secrets

Original book with nearly 30 images has been acquired by London's Courtauld Gallery and will go on display next year

Van Gogh exhibitions return—exclusive news all the way up to 2024

From olive groves to peat moors: shows coming up in Dallas, Amsterdam, Detroit, Vienna, Assen, Columbus and Santa Barbara

a blog by Martin Bailey

Oxford museum removes 'racist' shrunken heads from display after 80 years

Exhibiting Tsantsas "reinforced racist and stereotypical thinking that goes against the museum’s core values,” says the Pitt Rivers Museum's director

Which is the only museum in the world actively buying up Van Goghs? It’s in the hometown of Hieronymus Bosch

The Noordbrabants Museum’s latest acquisition is Head of a Woman, bought privately for €1.6m through Christie’s

A blog by Martin Bailey

Art for the People: how a Van Gogh masterpiece ended up in an English village hall

In 1935 Samuel Courtauld lent Peach Blossoms to bring major paintings to the countryside—an inspiration for today

a blog by Martin Bailey

UK museums are back open—but visitors are staying away

Our data shows that most major London art museums had many available booking slots for next-day entry despite operating reduced capacity

A real Rembrandt? Study shows painting banished to storeroom is either by his studio or the master himself

A recent examination of the wood panel reveals that it is from the same Baltic oak tree as the panel of an authenticated work by the Dutch artist

Two US museums plan to investigate their Gauguins after amateur art sleuth says they are fake

Former Tahitian resident Fabrice Fourmanoir helped The Art Newspaper correctly identify a fake in the Getty Museum's collection earlier this year

Van Gogh detective discovers exact spot of artist's last work, painted just hours before his suicide

The spot—in a village north of Paris—now has a plaque linking it to Vincent's death


Five museums will share £200,000 as Art Fund reboots 2020 prize to battle coronavirus crisis

Museum of the Year prize has been changed from £140,000 awards and the shortlist will be announced in October

UK museums face far bigger revenue drop than reported

Creative Industries Federation originally estimated a coronavirus fall of only 9%, but now says it will be 45%

Return of a blockbuster: delayed Artemisia Gentileschi show to open on 3 October at London's National Gallery

Exhibition will include the never previously exhibited transcript of the Rome trial when Artemisia accused a fellow artist of rape

UK museum leaders distance themselves from controversial Creative Industries Federation's report on coronavirus impact

The Art Newspaper questions the federation’s 9% fall in revenue this year, suggesting it is more likely to be around 50%

Museums still under financial pressure despite UK’s £1.57bn rescue package for the arts

National cultural institutions and English Heritage will receive £100m, making up half the losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic

National Gallery will be first major London museum to reopen after coronavirus closure

When the gallery reopens on 8 July, visitors will have to book tickets in advance, and will be asked to wear face masks and stay two metres apart

Van Gogh held hostage: private detective tells us he has more photographs

Will Arthur Brand’s images of the stolen painting lead to a recovery?

a blog by Martin Bailey

'Alarmingly at odds with reality': museum directors attack Creative Industries Federation's report on impact of coronavirus

Report estimates virus is causing 9% drop in revenue, but chairman of the UK National Museum Directors’ Council says 50% loss is more accurate

UK creative industries face 'a cultural catastrophe'—but museums may not be hit as hard

New report by Oxford Economics predicts that the culture sector will lose 30% of its revenue due to Covid-19