Martin Bailey

'Where is the crown of Maqdala?', V&A asks Ethiopia

Crown that was returned in 1925 has disappeared

British Museum turns to Mecca and its holy pilgrimage

Exhibition aims to unravel the mysteries of the Hajj to non-Muslims


Discovery of fragment belonging to British Museum's Cyrus cylinder further defers loan to Iran

This development has done little to alleviate lingering tensions between Iran and Britain

Prince of Liechtenstein cancels Royal Academy show

Ruler angry over block on Coello masterpiece

Prince of Liechtenstein threatens major Royal Academy show

If one of his works is not released by the UK authorities, an exhibition drawn from his collection will be pulled


Iran's hackles rise as British Museum hesitates in Cyrus Cylinder lease

The museum director has reassured Iran's vice president that the wait does not mean the loan has been called off


Top quality old masters under the hammer next month

Rembrandt, Domenichino, Raphael and Van Dyck all on offer, but how many will remain in the UK?

Cleaning shows that London’s Virgin of the Rocks is nearly all by the artist’s hand

After five years of research and conservation, Leonardo's masterpiece is once again looking its best

Courtauld “fake” exposed as a real Dutch period piece

Work attributed to 20th-century master forger Han van Meegeren may be 17th-century painting owned by Vermeer

Overhaul of Tate Britain could begin early 2010

The entire refurbishment project should conclude by 2020


Farewell to forgeries: The V&A’s Fakes Gallery to close

The V&A’s guidebook used to describe the Fakes Gallery as one of its “most diverse, intriguing and entertaining” displays.

Is very rare Benin ivory mask for sale?

Last of rare Benin ivories in private hands is expected to go on the market

National Trust Scotland faces member revolt

Members express concern about running of Trust


Will the success of the Acropolis Museum change the Elgin Marbles debate?

Unesco intergovernmental committee is now seeking “a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue”

Aztec headdress will not travel to British Museum show

Fragile treasure, “Moctezuma’s Crown”, is subject of restitution claims

V&A proposes underground galleries

Exhibition space will occupy area originally designed for abandoned Spiral project

Tate Modern extension snubbed by Lottery Fund

The request was rejected as a 'low priority', with concerns about 'deliverability'


British Museum will loan Cyrus Cylinder to Iran's National Museum

The British Museum pledged to send over the rare cuneiform cylinder in exchange for Iran's ample contributions to previous shows

Zoffany at Tate cancelled

The 2010 exhibition may instead be shown at the Royal Academy

National Trust needs £2m for Kenyan poet’s house

Otherwise the Wandworth house's unique fretwork decoration could be lost


Tate's Van Dyck show on rocky ground as insurance obstacle may detain several works

Five iconic portraits may not be loaned to the exhibition due to legal anomaly

'Spanish Forger' miniatures bought by V&A

Scholars no nearer to finding the faker’s identity

Iran Foundation trustee found guilty of book theft from British Library and Oxford's Bodleian Library steps down from post

Farhad Hakimzadeh was given two years' imprisonment after it was learnt he had stolen volumes from the two UK institutions

UK museums manage dearth of exhibition sponsorship in the wake of economic downturn

Institutions must grit their teeth and hope for the intervention of private investors, as several large shows are going ahead without corporate sponsors