Martin Bailey

Biedermeier art collection to go on show in the City Palace, Vienna

The space will be the second venue in the city to host the Prince of Liechtenstein's art collection


Ex-head of Iraq's board of antiquities estimates 10 years of restoration for Babylon

The integrity of the historic site did not factor into US strategy, proven by the construction of an adjacent military base

British Army to help Iraq turn Saddam Hussein’s Lakeside Palace into a museum

British Museum also offers to assist Iraqis to present antiquities

V&A to unveil new galleries next year

The museum has spent £120m on FuturePlan projects

Goodwill and a lot of luck hands the Rubens Whitehall sketch to the Tate

Generosity on the part of Viscount Hampden, the Art Fund, and the National Heritage Memorial Fund ensured this critical work found a home at the Tate

Why the Tate turned down Rothko’s offer of 30 paintings

Archives reveal the events behind director Norman Reid’s decision to accept only nine of the artist’s pictures

British Museum, V&A, British Library and more face restitution claims as Ethiopia moves for Maqdala treasures

Treasures lost in the punitive sacking of Maqdala are subject to restitution claims

Tate Turners on tour: 'J.M.W. Turner' to be exhibited at Beijing's National Art Museum

Having travelled the US and Russia, the Turner exhibition will head to China

Lehman gift of Benin treasures to Museum of Fine Arts angers Nigeria

Works looted by the British and reassembled by banking heir find permanent home in Boston

Council's Pre-Raphaelite collection saved for public display

London's Hammersmith & Fulham was considering selling the works

Revealed: one third of Brooklyn Museum’s Coptic collection is fake

Specialists warn that museums in the US and Europe will now have to re-examine their own sculptures

V&A needs £1.1m to keep Baroque cabinet in the UK

It was reassembled and sold after part of it was discovered in a pizzeria

April 2008archive

Anthony d’Offay deal with Tate and Scotland sets tax precedent for UK philanthropy

For his partial donation of £125m worth of art, the dealer received £26.5m—the price he originally paid for the collection—tax free


Iraq war thwarts loans to Louvre for “Babylon” show

Negotiations have lasted five years only to fall through due to security issues

David Hockney donates his largest painting to Tate

Bigger Trees near Warter is 12m long and 4.5m high, and made up of 50 separate canvases

Prince of Liechtenstein withdraws loans from Germany in dispute over leaked bank details

The Neue Pinakothek in Munich has been forced to cancel a major exhibition scheduled to open next month


5 years after the Baghdad Museum's looting, a little optimism is finally appropriate: Interview with the British Museum's John Curtis

The situation at the Baghdad Museum remains bleak but thieves are less of a problem at archaeological sites


International backing secured for the recuperation of Babylon after disturbances by US military bases

The World Monuments Fund will educate Iraqi experts tasked with keeping the ruins in good condition


Meet the Danish collector whose Hirsts have just gone on show in Copenhagen

Jyte Dresing has loaned eight works to Copenhagen's Arken Museum of Modern Art

Tate Modern gets £50m towards new extension from the government

The generous contribution is the highest made to a cultural project in 10 years

Courtauld restitution claim dismissed

The three Rubens paintings will remain with the gallery