
Guggenheim appoints Naomi Beckwith as deputy director and senior curator

Appointment of MCA, Chicago curator is seen as a step toward more inclusiveness after accusations of institutional racism

To mirror, and support, community: Everson Museum board chair defends deaccessioning of a Pollock

Auction proceeds will go towards diversifying the collection at the Syracuse institution with “inspirational” art

Baltimore Museum of Art will sell important paintings by Warhol, Still and Marden

Acting on relaxed rules, it will use the funds for collection care and salary increases as well as diverse acquisitions

A new online auction house wants to reduce speculation on emerging artists' markets

Founded by former Christie's vice president Shlomi Rabi, Greenhouse will also donate 5% from every sale to a scholarship fund for Black students studying art history

Rockefeller Brothers Fund plans $1.5m in grants to help New York museums promote diverse artists

Financial aid will help eight institutions “disrupt dominant narratives” and “build back a more equitable culture” after Covid lockdown

Activist employee group demands resignations of three Guggenheim leaders

But support for the statement, alleging “oppressive behaviours” by director, chief operating officer and chief curator, is unclear

After 2019 racial incident, MFA Boston hires a senior director of belonging and inclusion

Appointment follows an agreement with the Massachusetts attorney general to embrace diversity and adopt an anti-harassment policy

Getty announces internship programme to counter lack of diversity among art conservators

Noting barriers to students of colour, it establishes yearlong training stints with $30,000 grants


Depression-era murals in a Minnesota city hall covered over with new works reflecting a more diverse community

The works foreground the contributions of immigrant and Indigenous communities, but members of the Dakota tribe claim the contributions are a "Band-Aid"

Guggenheim adopts a plan to become more inclusive and racially diverse

Initiative follows accusations by employees of entrenched racism at the New York museum

Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit director dismissed amid accusations of a toxic work atmosphere

Museum says inquiry showed that Elysia Borowy-Reeder fell short on diversity and on promoting a healthy environment

World Press Photo—which has all-white supervisory board—accused of structural racism

Photographers have criticised the Amsterdam-based photojournalism organisation, which states its core values are “accuracy, diversity, and transparency”

Coalition calls for removal of director of Detroit Institute of Arts

Anonymous current and former staff members describe “hostile and chaotic work culture” under Salvador Salort-Pons

'Museums need to press the reset button and become more radical'

Directors and curators should consider this challenging moment as an opportunity diversify the stories they tell and the staff that tell them


Royal College of Art leadership loses vote of no confidence over racism row

University has now “paused” its hiring of a new head of inclusion after it was blasted for appointing a white man, but could still face strike action this autumn

Decolonising museums: the new network opening up the diversity debate in the Netherlands

Cultural institutions from Amsterdam to Utrecht will work together to advance diversity and inclusion in programming, audiences and staff

Magnum signs five new photographers after its lack of diversity comes under attack

As the photographic agency shows signs of moving towards greater inclusion, affirmative action is a hot topic at the annual general meeting

Art Institute of Chicago lays off 51 employees

Cuts come as US museums slash costs in response to loss of revenue

Kaywin Feldman on how America's National Gallery of Art will 'attract the nation and reflect it, too'

The Washington museum's first female director is breaking down old silos and diversifying the staff, collection and exhibitions

Curators at Guggenheim demand ‘urgent’ reforms of racial inequities at museum

In a letter to management, they call for minority hiring efforts and an inquiry into the treatment of guest curator

Happy International Museum Day! Why today's digital event matters now more than ever

Suay Aksoy, president of Icom, says museums closed by Covid-19 lockdowns "need to champion themselves because their survival may depend on it"

After racial incident involving a student field trip, MFA Boston reaches accord on diversity

Agreement with state attorney general calls for museum to set up a $500,000 fund promoting inclusion

High Museum of Art’s new galleries honour their public

Non-white visitors have jumped from 15% to half of the museum’s attendance in just three years

Take it to the top—how US museums are dealing with diversity

Institutions need all hands on deck to redress imbalances in jobs and programming


Ethics and aesthetics: the increasing prominence of socially engaged art

Away from the glitz of record-breaking auction prices and extravagant art parties, austerity has given strength to a new movement of socially engaged artists

Art Baselarchive

While Art Basel's outlook stays cosmopolitan, US artists are left in the cold by curators

Documenta, Manifesta, La Triennale and the Kiev Biennale strike a different tone to the art market