Brooklyn Museum

Activist group calls out Brooklyn Museum’s appointment of white African art curator

The museum has not yet responded to criticism about the “dismal rates of representation” of people of colour among its senior staff

Three to see: New York

Celebrate Women’s History Month through art, from feminism solving an ancient riddle in Brooklyn to Zoe Leonard's retrospective at the Whitney

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: David Bowie blockbuster gets New York remix

Around one-fifth of the objects in the Brooklyn Museum's show were not included in previous iterations

Three to see: New York

From Basquiat's $110m skull in Brooklyn to Viennese luxe in uptown Manhattan

Brooklyn Museum first to show Yusaku Maezawa’s $110m Basquiat

Japanese billionaire has sent his prized 1982 skull painting on “world tour” after buying work at Sotheby’s last year

Three to See: New York

From Munch’s marvelous misery to the changing face of Mecca

David Bowie blockbuster is coming to New York

The Brooklyn Museum will be the final venue for the internationally touring retrospective, launched in 2013


New culture war takes root in US as major news outlet censors art

Artists say they are under pressure to tone down their work after Associated Press removes images of controversial pieces


As New York prepares to display Cambodian art new and old, we assess the growing recognition of Cambodian contemporary art

An overview of the Cambodian art market, as well as names to look out for, and the legacy of the Khmer Rouge

Revealed: one third of Brooklyn Museum’s Coptic collection is fake

Specialists warn that museums in the US and Europe will now have to re-examine their own sculptures

In their need to raise sponsorship, are US museums risking the loss of their intellectual freedom?

We look beyond the Brooklyn Museum's Sensation exhibition into a troubling trend emerging across the sector


The Brooklyn Museum's landmark show of Qajar art exposes Iran’s more liberal roots

The first survey of a fashion for portraiture that swept the Persian court lifts the veil on Iranian history

Womens’ rights campaigner, Mme Sadat, supports an Egyptian show with a pc twist

"Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven” is at the Brooklyn Museum 20 October - 5 January 1997