
Warhol "Marilyn" tapestry on show in Oxford for the first time since 1968

This will be the first call for a tapestry by the artist for the Andy Worhal Museum

Richard Tuttle: Weaving his magic around the world

Trio of Richard Tuttle exhibitions includes his largest work to date in the Tate’s Turbine Hall

Richard Tuttle: now’s the time to be-weave

Tate Modern, the Whitechapel Gallery and Bowdoin are showing the textile artist’s works

Books: William Morris and creating a social fabric

An indispensable book on Morris’s revolutionary cloth designs and techniques—and the political views that inspired them


Books, Anna Jackson, Japanese country textiles

A visually rich if somewhat repetitive account

Mystery over who made the “Francis Bacon” rugs

New research poses more questions than answers over possible attributions for items that were withdrawn from March sale

Interview with Grayson Perry: The “The Guernica of the credit crunch”

Perry is about to show his most ambitious work, a huge tapestry depicting images of consumer excess and retribution

Interview with Chuck Close on how his grandma’s crochet inspired his artistic vision

On the eve of a show at PaceWildenstein in New York, the veteran US artist discusses the importance of the year he spent with his grandmother when he was eleven


Antique textiles: A boom from the loom as museum buying and new collectors hike prices

As other items become inaccessible to some collectors, many in the middle market have turned to textiles


Trade embargo on Iran partially lifted

The textile trade, especially in carpets, will improve but metalworks and manuscripts are still restricted

Art marketarchive

Chirac’s Musée de l’Homme raises prices for primitive art

Fetish figures, tribal shields and masks command attention


Museum and National Trust approaches to textile conservation

A valuable collection of papers from a recent symposium