Martin Bailey

How Van Gogh’s 'Terrace of a Café at Night'—with its starry sky—was inspired by a friend’s painting

The work’s dramatic colour contrast echoes a Parisian street scene by Louis Anquetin, now on show at London’s National Gallery

Arts minister extends export ban (again) to help save Joshua Reynolds’s Portrait of Omai

The export deferral on the famed painting has been extended to 10 June, giving London’s National Portrait Gallery a few more weeks to work out a deal, possibly with the Getty

Van Gogh stars in 'After Impressionism' show at London's National Gallery

Loans include four rarely seen paintings from private collections, with a major rediscovery

Half of Van Gogh’s most expensive paintings have sold to Chinese collectors

The burgeoning growth of the East Asian market pushes up prices for the artist’s work

Van Gogh painted his lyrical Almond Blossom to herald the coming of spring

This picture was given to hang above his two-week-old nephew’s crib—and later survived raucous pillow fights

The hunt for as many as nine elusive Vermeer paintings continues

As the Rijksmuseum's once-in-a-lifetime blockbuster brings together an unprecedented number of works by the Old Master, paintings including a self-portrait are still missing

The Van Gogh phenomenon: our top ten most popular stories on the artist

After 200 posts of the "Adventures with Van Gogh" blog, an intriguing look back at the most-read posts

Could a deal with Getty Centre in Los Angeles save Joshua Reynolds’s Portrait of Omai for the UK?

As the painting’s export licence is due to expire, the Californian museum might step in to help keep it in the UK

Even restituted artefacts—like Benin bronzes—need export licences from UK, says arts minister

Formal requirement for government licences may well prove to be yet another obstacle to a loan agreement for the Parthenon Marbles

Did Vincent van Gogh get Gordina pregnant? Christie’s is selling her portrait

Coming up for auction on 28 February for £1m-£2m, the painting has been hidden in a private collection for 120 years

Anthony Green—whose wife Mary was the muse for a unique set of narrative paintings—has died, aged 83

Nearly all his more than 600 irregularly-shaped canvases capture aspects of six decades of married life

Walk in Vermeer's footsteps: exhibition in artist's home city reveals 'the man behind the paintings'

Prinsenhof Museum show in Delft opens along with landmark Rijksmuseum exhibition on Dutch 17th-century painter

The Girl with a Glass Bauble Earring? Why Vermeer's painting probably did not depict a real pearl

Plus, did you know the work used to be called “Girl with the Turban” and once sold for less than £1?

Revealed: Vermeer's patron was, in fact, a woman—and she bought half the artist’s entire oeuvre

New research in the Rijksmuseum's catalogue for its Vermeer blockbuster suggests that Maria de Knuijt may have influenced his subject matter


What will happen to Ukraine's museum collections after the war?

Plus, Okwui Enwezor’s Sharjah Biennial and Ming Smith at New York's Museum of Modern Art

Hosted by Ben Luke. With guest speakers Martin Bailey and Nadine Khalil. Produced by David Clack and Aimee Dawson
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Hidden in a London attic, I discovered a Bible inscribed by Van Gogh

Vincent and his young English friend Harry Gladwell read the book cover-to-cover in their Paris lodgings—possibly praying to avoid the temptations of Montmartre

Special investigation: Serious concerns over fate of Ukraine’s museum works taken by Russians

The Art Newspaper probes the complex issues arising from the removal of the Kherson Museum’s collection, sent to Crimea for “safekeeping”

Was Van Gogh's olive grove landscape another Nazi-era 'forced sale'?

We uncover the tangled tale of the painting controversially sold off by New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1972 and now in an Athens museum

I met the oldest woman in the world—who shared her memories of Van Gogh in Arles

Madame Jeanne Calment, who lived to be 122, recalled meeting the artist as a child

The Van Gogh Sunflowers lawsuit: the full story behind the Nazi-loot claim to Tokyo’s $250m painting

Plus, Singapore’s art hub ambitions and Grace Lau's project for Chinese New Year

Hosted by Ben Luke. With guest speakers Martin Bailey and Georgina Adam. Produced by David Clack and Aimee Dawson
Sponsored byChristie's

Van Gogh's Tokyo Sunflowers: Was it a Nazi forced sale? And is the painting now worth $250m?

Bought for a Japanese museum in 1987, the masterpiece has just been claimed by the heirs of a Jewish Berlin banker

Was Vermeer a painter of pleasure or a staunch Jesuit supporter? New book challenges our knowledge of the artist

Gregor Weber's biography "Johannes Vermeer: Faith, Light and Reflection" also supports the controversial view that Vermeer used a camera obscura


A topsy-turvy world: five artworks that have been hung upside down by curators

From Mondrian to Rothko, when it comes to hanging a painting, museums don't always get things right first (or even second) time

New exhibition space! National Portrait Gallery buys former Victorian public lavatory

Museum in London acquired refurbished ticket kiosk site for £3m with funds from businessman Len Blavatnik

Van Gogh in 2022: record prices, top shows and exciting discoveries

Plus, the best books on Vincent and the artist's booming immersive experiences

Why is Van Gogh under attack?

Vincent’s best-loved paintings are singled out by climate protestors

a blog by Martin Bailey