New York City

Disembodied Behaviors: an ultra-real virtual art show that sears the mind-haze of 2020's unending March back to a state of clarity

An expert view brought to you by our XR Panel of artists and storytellers who create in virtual reality and augmented reality


Remembering Brigid Berlin: Mainstay of Andy Warhol's Factory who pioneered art of self-representation using Polaroids and cassettes

An upper-class rebel who became Warhol's best friend and "the only person who could yell at him"

Dia Chelsea plans to reopen in April after connecting three buildings in a $20m project

Inaugural exhibition in New York will feature a film and light sculptures by Lucy Raven

The devil is in the paperwork—don't be caught out by provenance fraud

The rise of the online art market means due diligence on purchasing art is becoming increasingly complex

New York preservation group launches online mapping tool to champion former haunts of artists and activists

Organisation hopes the city will protect former home of Jackson Pollock and other buildings south of Union Square by designating a new historic district

See 150 years of fashion in 60 minutes at the Met

The museum has drawn on the writings of Virginia Woolf, and the theories of Charles Baudelaire and Henri Bergson, to create a disruptive timeline of fashion

Inaugural Asia Society Triennial to finally open with new programming following the pandemic and BLM protests

New triennial in New York aims to highlight the contribution of the fastest-growing demographic in the US, with exhibitions, events and a little inspiration from Yoko Ono

Public art initiative encourages New Yorkers to get outside as museums remain closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic

The campaign offers a digital map of public art works and exhibitions in the five boroughs

New York developer who whitewashed 5Pointz graffiti—and owes artists $6.75m in damages—appeals to Supreme Court

Petition focuses on the phrasing of the Visual Artists Rights Act, which protects works of “recognized stature” without defining what that means


Putting our heads together: the three Guggenheim directors size up post-Covid challenges

With museums in Bilbao and Venice poised to reopen, while New York remains in lockdown, Richard Armstrong, Juan Ignacio Vidarte and Karole Vail talk about weathering the financial crisis


Remembering Peter Beard, photographer and artist, champion of East African wildlife, friend and collaborator of Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol

Photographer, diarist, and collagist who highlighted the destruction of the African elephant's habitat and bestrode New York society in the era of Studio 54

Donors set up $75m fund to help cultural groups and other non-profits in New York City

Fund will disburse grants and loans to small and midsize organisations impacted by coronavirus

'Strikingly experimental': major Donald Judd survey to open this week in New York

The exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, featuring 70 works made between 1960 and 1992, will trace the artist's development by focusing on key turning points in his career

William Kentridge’s existential imagery takes over Times Square

The artist sees his midnight billboard installation as “a bit of brain surgery” in “the deep soul of late capitalism”

Artist Nan Goldin and other activists arrested during opioid protest at New York governor’s office

Campaigners known for museum protests accuse Andrew Cuomo of not doing enough to halt drug deaths

MoMA builds a new audience for Latin American architecture

Sixty years after a landmark architectural survey, the New York museum picks up where it left off

Isa Genzken gets a MoMA show

German artist’s first major US retrospective presents career of constant reinvention

Schiele restitution case could damage NY business, say dealers

The ruling in long-standing legal battle may threaten defence that a purchase was made in good faith


Rivera’s MoMA murals revisited

After 80 years, works by the Mexican artist known for his volatile relationship with Frida Kahlo are again on view

MoMA announces Lygia Clark exhibition

The show will be the first North American retrospective of the artist


MoMA tower to loom over Manhattan

Concerns over Jean Nouvel skyscraper, to house museum extension in its base

Hauser & Wirth to open in New York

Gallery hopes to buck the downturn with transatlantic expansion


Two new programmes: Warhol is remembered by his ageing stars, and original art is taught

Twenty Factory regulars look back on the creative freedom that fuelled the New York enterprise, while three art schools are brought under the microscope


Heirs of millionaire art collector at loggerheads

The difficulty has arisen because Mr Eastman left the bulk of his estate in a “marital trust” for his wife


Warhol Foundation report looks back on 20 years of philanthropy

The New York organisation has disbursed more than $200m in cash grants and art donations since the artist's death in 1987


MoMA sells land and secures room for expansion

The new deal will earn them approximately $65m


Former MoMA chairman’s oddball art goes under the hammer

William Lieberman’s eclectic holdings yielded bargains