Civil Rights

Remembering Faith Ringgold, one of the great story-tellers of American art

New York artist was acclaimed for the power of her paintings and quilts telling the civil rights story

The US sculpture park communicating difficult truths amid a cultural backlash

In a time of increased lawsuits over diversity initiatives, a civil rights organisation aims to make the history and legacy of slavery in the US undeniable through art and first-person narratives

Faith Ringgold, acclaimed for the power of paintings and quilts that tell stories of the Civil Rights movement, has died, aged 93

A champion of fellow Black and women artists, the New York-born painter and sculptor made a second reputation as writer and illustrator of admired children's stories

New stained-glass windows by Kerry James Marshall unveiled at Washington, DC's National Cathedral

The new works replace those depicting Confederate generals that were removed in 2017

Joe Biden to establish US national monument honouring Emmett Till, whose 1955 murder shocked the nation

The Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument will include sites in Mississippi and Illinois

Harry Belafonte, singer, actor and civil rights champion inspired by artists' involvement in social causes, has died, aged 96

Belafonte cited Pablo Picasso and his artist friend Charles White among the visual and performing artists whose support of social justice movements inspired his activism

Shirin Neshat joins protests against Iran's worsening human rights situation with new digital works

Pieces in West Hollywood and London's Piccadilly are a reaction to the death of 22-year-old student Mahsa Amini, after being detained by authorities in the country

Brooklyn’s long history of resistance is celebrated on Juneteenth

A series of installations and programmes draw on the Center for Brooklyn History's extensive archive

Neglected corners of US history: National Trust for Historic Preservation designates 11 most endangered places

Places range from Alabama farms where civil rights marchers once camped to a Utah site where Chinese railroad labourers stayed

Woolworth Building in San Antonio, a landmark in civil rights history, is spared from demolition

Former 1921 dime store, which peacefully desegregated its lunch counter in 1960, will house an Alamo museum

Getty teams with city of Los Angeles to identify places that are important to African American heritage

Conservation effort goes beyond architectural distinction to highlight sites where Black residents embraced their culture and advocated for advancement


Art can help the public engage in personal advocacy: Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign

The nation's largest LGBTQ civil rights organisation recently unveiled an incisive installation by Hank Willis Thomas on its Washington, DC headquarters

Nelson-Atkins Museum director pledges to re-establish trust after police use campus to stage response to protests

After asking that squad cars leave the grounds, he says police presence caused deep “hurt”


‘Public art is propaganda, frankly’: Hank Willis Thomas discusses gun violence and the urgent need for alternative memorials

A host of the artist’s exhibitions and public projects open in various locations across the US open this year

Poignant online videos showcase 20 sites from Alabama’s civil rights era

World Monuments Fund joins partners in launching an oral history project

Old animals remind us of old people in this book of photographs

Isa Leshko’s images plead for the better treatment of animals

State of Massachusetts investigates reported racism at the MFA Boston

"Experiences like this are literally taking away from academic growth", says principal of students who filed a complaint during a class trip

Faith Ringgold discusses civil rights and children's books in solo London show

Acclaimed for her paintings and quilts, which weave in stories of the Civil Rights movement from a black female perspective, Faith Ringgold is about to open a solo show at the Serpentine Gallery, London—her first in a European institution.

Whitney acquires Abstract Expressionist painting by Norman Lewis

The museum will show the underrecognised African American artist's work alongside pieces by his contemporaries

New-York Historical Society opens new spaces dedicated to shows on equality and civil rights

The inaugural exhibition, commemorating the 14th Amendment, looks at Jim Crow America