
Freud ramps up efforts to find Bacon portrait stolen in Berlin

A poster campaign has been launched to recover the work which disappeared from the Neue Nationalgalerie


Germany’s first federal minister of culture since World War II resigns

The deputy editorship of Die Zeit newspaper and a better pension prove too tempting for Michael Naumann

Negotiating a united front: Berlin's culture minister Christoph Stölzl takes on funding culture in the capital

It risked bankruptcy to become the capital, and a deal with the federal government gives Berlin DM100m a year—providing that plum institutions come under national control

Bill Gates on Leonardo

The Microsoft co-founder speaks about the Italian artist's influence on Beuys ahead of an exhibition in Berlin

Art fairsarchive

Art Forum struggles again, the German capital proves itself still too isolated with too few collectors

Despite support from public institutions and a glittering collectors programme Art Forum needs a loyal and affluent clientele


Berlin’s museums are still suffering from the effects of World War II and forty years of Communism

British architect David Chipperfield has pacified both conservatives and progressives with his masterplan for the Museum Island which links the museums by underground tunnels

A wound still festering at the heart of Germany

Parliament has finally voted to build Berlin's memorial to the Holocaust


Collector interview: Berlin poor but crucial

Erika and Rolf Hoffmann open their collection in Berlin

Art fairsarchive

A guide to Art Forum '99, Berlin

100 collectors have been flown in for the contemporary art event

Berlin State Museums will restitute two works to family of concentration camp victim

The Van Gogh drawing and Hans von Marées painting were part of a large collection which was forcibly auctioned


Art in the Media: Norman Foster’s renovated Reichstag, Andy Warhol on video and CNN's The ArtClub comes to London

Air-raising adventures in Berlin, the mythology of Andy Warhol on screen, and The ArtClub hitting its stride at London visual art events

The Potsdamer Platz is reborn this month as Daimler-Benz turn property developers and collectors

Will public art by Koons, Rauschenberg, Tinguely and Haring humanise this vast complex by Renzo Piano?

Art fairsarchive

Sales satisfactory at Berlin Art Forum '97, though dealers may have to be patient for fair to come into its own

Dealers and collectors alike come here to see the city and its contemporary art world take shape but immediate sales were limited


Interview with Christos Joachimides, beleaguered exhibition organiser and agent provocateur

“We have wanted to create more of an essay than a history, so we made a list of artists who have done something decisive... or who created work that one simply cannot overlook”

At home with Lovis Corinth

The artist’s daughter, now eighty-seven, reminisces about being painted by her father and life in Weimar Berlin

Pre-Post-Human Dalí on show at Schloss Charlottenburg

Five hundred sculptures, prints and drawings courtesy of the Stratton Foundation


A Berlin homecoming: Interview with collector Heinz Berggruen on his collection's new home

After leaving Berlin in 1937, Berggruen will be placing his collection - which will go on show this autumn - on a ten-year loan with the Berlin State Museums

Michael Werner Gallery sells Berlinische Galerie a Baselitz for DM2.3 million

The buy was demonstrative of the gallery's commitment to acquiring works from that period

Moral guidelines for archaeology

New rules and guidelines for archaeologists around the world.

East Berlin museums chief defends his record, revealing how the East German museums sold in order to buy'

We did not pursue any party political nonsense on the Museum Island': Professor Günther Schade stands by his position