
Titian and Raphael portraits that launched 1,000 faces

Raphael’s “Donna Velata” and Titian’s “Young Englishman” have become two of the most influential paintings by Renaissance masters

The Last Supper restoration: What the media said

The conclusion of the twenty-year project to restore Leonardo’s famous fresco has made headlines around the world The Art Newspaper presents a selection of reactions from the newspapers

Ashmolean shows Renaissance bronzes with Daniel Katz

Centenary of collector, C.D.E. Fortnum, celebrated with exhibition and lectures at Society of Antiquaries

The director of one of Italy’s top restoration laboratories responds to denunciations of work carried out on Leonardo's Last Supper

Bonsanti defends the twenty-year project that hoped to breathe life back into the wreck of one of Leonardo's masterworks

Portraiture and physiognomy exhibition shows Leonardo as the father of Western soul-searching

The relationship between painting and physiognomy explored in Milan, from Da Vinci to Bacon

Leonardo's Last Supper restored: A wreck, but an authentic wreck

A twenty -year restoration project has removed many layers of overpainting

Books: Leonardo's beginnings

This study maintains that Verrocchio’s “Tobias and the angel” in London is the first example of the artist’s hand


Furniture in the Palazzo Pitti, table tops take the palm

The second of the four volume series on the furniture of the Pitti Palace makes its debut

The National Gallery provides a grand overview of Lorenzo Lotto, the 16th century painter with a still undefined image

The exhibition contains some stunning examples of Lorenzo Lotto’s approach to portraiture, which is to show the private rather than the public individual

Holbein's 500th birthday receives international recognition

It is marked by three celebrations in his native Basel and an exhibition at London's National Gallery on his renowned “Ambassadors”

Art marketarchive

Volatile market evident at Christie's Sculpture and Works of Art sales '97 with bids few and far between

Too few collectors, and too specialised, to guarantee success even for masterpieces


Experts suggest Raphael's cartoons conceived as rivals to Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel

Detailed study of the V&A's Raphael cartoons suggests he painted them as independent works of art

Leonardo Codex on the market

Autumn sale at Christie’s expected for the last manuscript by the artist in private hands — in 1980 it sold for £2 million

March 1994archive

Master faker Alfred André's cache of evidence revealed

“Renaissance” jewels in the National Gallery of Art are by the hitherto unknown faker

All the versatility of Leonardo da Vinci on glorious display in Siena

Siena is celebrating a great master from her Renaissance past with exhibitions on his painting, sculpture, architecture and engineering


Sleeper found at Sotheby's found to be genuine fifteenth-century sculpture

Very few bronzes survive from this period, making the piece a remarkable find

Leonardo e Venezia show is beautiful but misses the mark

Fiat’s cultural showplace, the Palazzo Grassi, collaborates for the first time ever with a Venetian museum

Charles Charles Hope

Leonardo da Vinci next at the next Palazzo Grassi

Leonardo the artist and the scientist will be on show

The Amerbach Kunstkabinett lives again as one of the greatest Renaissance collections reunites for three months

The stunning assemblage contains works by many Northern masters, including both the elder and younger Holbeins

Mona Lisa mystery finally solved: The sitter is indisputably Lisa del Giocondo

And not Isabella d’Este, Pacifica Brandano, Costanza d’Avalos, a cumulative female image—or Leonardo in drag