
Russians "close down restitution commission"

Internal conflicts hamstrung the effort to return war loot to Germany

European Parliament approves the Directive on the Restitution of Cultural Goods

There are concerns however about how effective or restrictive this regulation will be

New Czech tax law to encourage private sponsorship for the arts

Tax will now be deductible for donations, but will a 2% relief be enough to make funding art worthwhile?

Agreement reached on EEC exports and restitution

The Regulation to enter into force by the end of March, the Directive in October

Count down to 1993 and the United States of Europe—are you prepared? Everything you need to know about the European Commission and the Maastricht Treaty

Read this and keep it if you’re an artist, a dealer, an auctioneer, a collector, a museum curator, an academic, a publisher, an advertiser, a sponsor, a restorer, an architect, a lawyer or an arts administrator—inside or outside Europe


The place of scholars in the commercial art market: how to avoid shameful infections and a diminution of the truth?

It is pointless to pretend that the commercial art world and the worlds of research do not interpenetrate each other. Here we look at the relationship, present and past, and ask ourselves, in what respect is the art historian any different from the lawyer who sells his opinion?

Unidroit lawyers meet for international agreement on restitution of stolen works of art

Stumbling blocks: attempts to define “national treasure” and abolition of passage of title in “good faith” purchases

Fake Giacometti furniture trial ends with jail sentences and fines for Jacques Redoutey and suppliers

Experts complain that large number of fakes in the market makes it difficult to identify authentic works

Art export law: DGIII still has the upper hand to the relief of the British

But the technocrats of DGXXI, the Customs and Indirect Taxation Department, are drawing up the next set of proposals. To find out what this means, read on


Spain debates new legislation that attempts to induce sponsorship of the arts with tax cuts

If the law is passed, sponsors will be granted legal provisions so they might better circumvent obstacles that complicate art funding


Iran imposes capital punishment for illicit exportation of antiquities

This legislation may come to late, as several archaeological sites have already been looted, and their content distributed throughout the international market