Joe Cook

Art marketarchive

Results were mixed at the Czech Republic's first international sale of art and antiques

Dorotheum held its first sale there on 11 November. Results were mixed

May 1993archive

What to do with your Socialist-Realist art

Budapest is creating a sculpture park for more than 45 works depicting Lenin, Marx and others

New Czech tax law to encourage private sponsorship for the arts

Tax will now be deductible for donations, but will a 2% relief be enough to make funding art worthwhile?

East meets West at Goethe Institute conference—but the gulf on restitution issues is telling

Conference in Prague on public galleries and private collectors hears of thefts and restitution claims in Eastern museums

East meets West in Prague — but the gulf tells

Conference in Prague on public galleries and private collectors hears of thefts and restitution claims in Eastern museums