
Artists donate works to help pay for their Drawing Center shows

Non-profit gallery has turned to artists as "philanthropic community has become less supportive"

Leonardo DiCaprio plans to give environmental work to Lacma

Actor’s gift of Solar Reserve, last seen at Lincoln Center, is all about raising climate change awareness

Collectors' gift of Hockney and Freud to the Tate honours its director

Mercedes and Ian Stoutzker have conferred an exceedingly generous donation on the gallery


Tate's Artangel Collection grows by nine works

The £2 million scheme to bring the 21-piece scheme to the public


Donations to UK national museums revealed: Tate receives lion's share

Out of a total of £193m, Tate's gifts by the likes of Hockney, Hirst, Bonnard and Bacon total £147m

'Jesuit priest' donates fraudulent works

Academic museums and universities are being targeted by a suspected art forger


Tate receives US boost as major patrons donate Salle, Steinbach, and Martin

American patrons have recently been very generous to the gallery, with both their art and their funds


Basel's tunnel vision: Basel Kunstmuseum receives funding from Laurez Foundation for new extension

Local architects are responsible for plans to construct a tunnel that passes from the original site to the newly built annex

Beuys’s site-specific work to stay put in Krefeld (for now)

Collector Helga Lauffs has donated the works, subject to conditions

May 2009archive

Chicago's industrialist benefactors built the city’s art collections—but can today’s patrons maintain them?

So far the next generation have yet to replicate their parents’ efforts on the same scale

“A quantum leap” for Australia as collector John Kaldor donates $35m-worth of art to AGNSW

Kaldor has donated work by Rauschenberg, Christo, LeWitt, Koons, Judd, and Gursky, among many others

David Hockney donates his largest painting to Tate

Bigger Trees near Warter is 12m long and 4.5m high, and made up of 50 separate canvases


Warhol Foundation report looks back on 20 years of philanthropy

The New York organisation has disbursed more than $200m in cash grants and art donations since the artist's death in 1987

May 2007archive

Seattle Art Museum gets $1bn worth of art from 'incredibly devoted group of collectors'

The gift from 53 local patrons is one of the largest in the history of institutional donations


New legislation could lead to the end of partial gifts to museums

Changes to US tax law could discourage collectors from giving

Georg Baselitz entrusts painting to Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark

The director admitted they would not otherwise be able to obtain such a piece


Tate struggles to attract money for acquisitions

A year ago the gallery launched a campaign to raise £100 million. Since then, £50,000 has been pledged from donors

Eclectic collector’s show raises questions at Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Visitors are confused and staff suggest that museum is neglecting its artistic mission

US aluminium giant sends Warhol to Russia

The Alcoa Corporation is marking its entry into Russia by funding the tour of a Warhol Museum show

Tate: Conspiracy or cock-up over Ofili’s Upper Room?

Tate board member Chris Ofili calls on artists to donate work to the Tate whilst selling his own work to the Gallery.


Rubells donate $1 million worth of art to Tampa Museum

The institution has received 91 paintings by the Outsider artist Purvis Young


Heinz’s $4 million gift to the Warhol Museum

The gift increases the museum’s endowment to $7.1 million


MoMA committee to vote on major drawings collection gifted by Judith Rothschild Foundation

The foundation has offered the museum a collection of more than 2,500 drawings by 400 international artists


Rockefeller gives $100 million to MoMA

The money will go to the museum after his death, with yearly donations scheduled until that time


Tate refused previous offer from Saatchi

Serota said no to 100 works in 1998, but is still keen to buy “major” pieces


Warhol Foundation gives $10 million to artists

The money is being given to Creative Capital, a nonprofit picking up the slack in arts funding

Acquisitions negotiations at Tate and The Armouries: You win some, you lose some

A mysterious donor gives the Tate £12.5 million to buy Reynolds’ Omai but the Armouries fail to get Lottery support for two armours