
Club for working class people in art world to launch in London

The independent organisation, called the Working Arts Club, will host events to support visual arts workers from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in the UK

Dispute between Philadelphia Museum of Art and employee union drags on, after strike in 2022

The union claims the institution has not implemented an agreement concerning length-of-service pay increases

Low wages leave US arts workers with few prospects

Survey of employees of cultural institutions in the country’s Berkshires region finds many need multiple jobs to stay afloat


So you work for a museum and you have ratified a union contract… what next?

In the past few years, unionised employees at more than a dozen US museums have finalised their first contracts with management, but how have their day-to-day lives changed as a result?

Workers at New York's Hispanic Society will go on strike just as museum completes six-year renovation

Unionised workers at the museum cite stagnant wages, inadequate contracts and unsustainable workloads as just some of the problems at the world-class collection

With the threat of cuts, unions get militant in UK museums—and their membership is growing rapidly

Workers are increasingly turning to collective bargaining, industrial action and representation by trade unions

Hundreds of national museum workers on zero-hours contracts

Questions raised about the ethics of employment terms usually associated with discount stores and fast-food chains


"Workers: an archaeology of the industrial age"

Synopsis of Sebastião Salgado's reissued paperback.