Michael Landy

Would you Adam and Eve it? Michael Landy’s new public art piece brings Cockney Rhyming Slang alive

Signs on show across London’s East Bank highlight the endangered rhyming dialect


Should the Science Museum stop taking money from oil companies?

Plus, Michael Landy's exhibition at Firstsite and artist Shahzia Sikander on a manuscript miniature

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UK New Year’s Honours 2021: awards for artists Michael Landy and Denzil Forrester

Former Tate Britain chief Stephen Deuchar is knighted; curator Lesley Fitton and ceramicist Jennifer Lee also recognised

Collector's Eye: Karsten Schubert

The dealer and collector tells the artist Michael Landy which work he would save from the Art Bin


Interview with Michael Landy post-'Breakdown': New directions and championing of the urban weed

Last year Michael Landy meticulously catalogued and then destroyed all his material possessions. For his latest show he has photographed and etched the plants that grow spontaneously throughout the city


News from London: Opening bottles and opening galleries

Leading dealer throws party for Tate’s Andy Warhol show