Decorative arts

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Ritzy auction prices for homespun objects: American Arts and Crafts design receives boost in popularity from Barbra Streisand

“At least thirty collectors are spending $200,000-500,000 a year at auction” on this branch of the decorative arts


The Victoria and Albert Museum. The great Kensington Kunstkammer

The museum and the Great Exhibition from which it derives are the subject of five new books

Hanging around in London: monthly guide by Elspeth Moncrieff. Christmas shopping special

Abbot and Holder, Colnaghi, Maas Gallery, Lumley Cazalett Contemporary Applied Arts, Fine Art Society, David Black, Bloomsbury Workshop, Whitford Fine Art

Books: a selection of the Art Institute of Chicago's holdings

Painting, design, and decorative arts from Colonial times until the Second World War

The rebirth of Florence's Villa Stibbert

Director Cristina Aschengreen-Piacenti has pioneered the project, refusing to allow the residence of a great Anglo-Florentine collector to fade from memory

Subcontinental splendour at the Victoria & Albert Museum

An exhibition of Sikh treasures casts new light upon the art of an Indian culture better known for its war-like tendencies

Grinling Gibbons, a superstar rediscovered at the V&A

Fires at the Pitti Palace and Hampton Court have led to this survey of baroque sculptor, Grinling Gibbons


Iron ages: Metalwork at the V&A

The history, form and function of European ironwork

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A marked improvement at Grosvenor House and Olympia

Collectors from all over the world turned up with lots of money and confidence—and so did the British

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Twentieth-century design sales in the US... Tiffany glass continues to climb

Twentieth-century decorative arts sales confirm prize prices for iconic furnishinings

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Craft swings into high gear at SOFA, New York.

Contemporary decorative arts from $68,000 fibre arts to $100,000 glass sculpture


A famous collector sells up: punitive Spanish export laws induce me to sell, says Jaime Ortiz-Patiño

Golf is the new passion of millionaire who has sold Impressionists and French decorative art to the tune of $91.48 million since 1989

The Windsor sale: Stéphane Boudin and the rise and rise of the decorator

Once upon a time, connoisseur dealers or even museum curators advised collectors what art to buy. Now the decorators hold sway, and at the Windsor sale a decorator’s pastiche pieces outsold real antiques


Furniture in the Palazzo Pitti, table tops take the palm

The second of the four volume series on the furniture of the Pitti Palace makes its debut

Biggest Art Nouveau show ever at the V&A

Exhibition promises to be “the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of Art Nouveau ever staged”

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Contemporary decorative arts at Bonhams for £50 to £48,000

The 'futures' department aims at spotting the antiques of tomorrow

Interior architecture: a domestic model for intellectuals

Designers Carl and Karin Larsson were creators of Swedish style, at present much featured in the glossies


Ceramics: Blue and white, all right!

A round-up of some recent books on porcelain, pottery and delftware


Book review: Dutch decorative arts

Titus M. Eliëns, Marjan Groot and Frans Leidelmeijer, Dutch Decorative Arts, 1880-1940

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Facture attracts: Sculpture, objects and functional art, Miami, 6 to 9 March.

Third biannual of strongly supported contemporary decorative arts

Gilbert collection of gold and silver to go to Medici palace as well as the V&A

Timothy Schroder named curator for the collection, and will start work on the Somerset House displays


Michael Caine’s Art Nouveau fetches £500,000

The film star was a serious pioneer collector