Some of the world’s biggest forgery scandals were first reported in The Art Newspaper, and led to further investigations that continue to have an impact on collections worldwide. Among our earliest scoops was the revelation, by our resident expert Martin Bailey, that dozens of paintings in museum collections attributed to the artist Vincent van Gogh could be fakes. Some of these works have since been authenticated after years of analysis, but questions lingered about the authenticity of others, and they remain out of public view. Our in-depth coverage of the Knoedler fakes scandal, which rocked the Abstract Expressionist market in the US, led at least one collector to discover he was a victim of the fraud after reading our pages. Readers will find more exclusive news like these on our website.
The Art Newspaper investigates: fakes and forgeries
Some of the world’s biggest forgery scandals were first reported in our pages, and led to further investigations that continue to have an impact on collections worldwide
30 September 2020