
Tasmania's supreme court overturns ruling that saw women-only art installation shut down

The controversial work, Ladies Lounge, at the Museum of Old and New Art made headlines when a visitor complained after being excluded from visiting the all-female space

Ancient Aboriginal rock art—removed by museum staff in the 1960s in an act of 'official vandalism'—returns home

The 4,000-year-old petroglyphs are being handed over by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery in Hobart

After social media backlash, Dark Mofo art festival in Tasmania launches fund for Aboriginal artists

The festival drew criticism last month for an art project that would crowd-source blood from Indigenous and Aboriginal people

Santiago Sierra will soak British flag in blood of colonised peoples

The Spanish artist says the work recognises the devastation caused by empire

Rehung and revamped Mona museum in Tasmania opens its doors after nine-month closure

Collector David Walsh’s celebrated subterranean gallery marks tenth anniversary next month

Tasmanian museum live streams 'human canvas' whose artist-designed tattoos are worth €150,000

Tim Steiner, whose entire back is covered in an ink piece created by Wim Delvoye, will sit in the empty Mona museum until the end of April