
Books: What is all the fuss about Leonardo? Martin Kemp and Charles Nicholl try to decipher the master

Two books try to shed new light on why Leonardo continues to exert a fascination for scholars, art historians and the public


The production of works for garth and home

The production of works for garth and home

Books: Leonardo as larger-than-life, but also human

Two studies of the Renaissance artist’s works reveal divergent assumptions about interpretation

Arts in broadcasting and television: Leonardo on BBC 3

Four million viewers tuned in to Alan Yentob’s three-part series on the wonders of Da Vinci

The Art Newspaper's exclusive insight into the new Universal Leonardo Project

Oxford professor launches detailed technical study of all works attributed to Leonardo to be completed by major exhibitions in 2006

Books: Adam classicism to Tinseltown Rococo

Something for everyone: “animalcules”, Baltic art, the Cecils, CD-Roms, Cézanne, Chinese furniture, Clement Greenberg decadence, Holbein, Japanese design, Kahn, Leonardo, Millais, Modernism, Palladio, Tiffany silver, terracotta sculpture

The public may decide the fate of Leonardo’s “Adoration of the Magi”

Antonio Paolucci states he will halt the Uffizi’s planned restoration of the painting if he hears convincing arguments as to why it should not take place


An Italian archaeologist pleads for professionals to gather information from farmers and from those living near ancient sites

The integrity of most archaeological sites in Italy has been compromised by extensive illicit excavations, which have caused the loss of an enormous quantity of archaeological information

A new book explores Walter Sickert's innovative work as a printmaker

Nine years of painstaking research have revealed this technically adventurous side of the artist’s work

Palazzo Vecchio Leonardo discovery doubted

The unfinished fresco may lie under Vasari's contribution to the Palazzo

Michelangelo's sculptures transported into the digital age with new scanning technology

Stanford University works to create computer models of all of the master's sculptural works

Marion’s Medusas at the Warburg in London

Stancioff spent her life charting the use of the same visual symbols by vastly distant cultures


Giorgione: the painter of “poetic brevity”

This study is based on a close look at conservation and restoration research, a scientific examination of the artist’s technique, and new documentary evidence

Books: Leonardo's beginnings

This study maintains that Verrocchio’s “Tobias and the angel” in London is the first example of the artist’s hand


Books: Carlo James explores the history of art conservation

A critical look at old and new conservation and preservation techniques

The search for ancient Alexandria goes underwater

The greatest city of the Hellenistic age has been neglected by archaeology for decades. Now underwater survey techniques have provided us with glimpses of the centre’s greatness. But many decry the techniques being used

New laser technology for painting restoration

Revolutionary non-contact cleaning method to be unveiled this month at Liverpool’s laser conservation conference

Rembrandt under X-ray at the British Museum

Medical technology is being utilised to obtain clear images of watermarks

New research reveals Herculaneum’s wooden remains could be fake

Modern reconstructions with ancient materials have escaped detection until now

What's happening in the world of information technology in the museum community

A three-day conference and exhibition in London with new projects on show


How are Britain's leading museums exploiting new multimedia technology?

Pundits inform us that the new media age is now upon us. Will this transform the museum sector?

Dalí commission to sort things out with new expert team in Figueras

The Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí fills the hole left by break with Robert Descharnes

Archaeologists delighted as Schliemann's Trojan treasure becomes available for research

British scientists describe the new techniques which could be used to investigate the recently revealed gold and silver hoard

The Crowley Colosso Leonardo Prize

Entries open for the Accademia Italiana's annual award

Who does research in museums?

"Where there is no research, there is no museum", says Wolf Dieter Dube, director of the Berlin museums, but this tenet has come under attack in recent years.