Public sculpture

City of London U-turn on historic statues means slave trader sculptures will stay in place

William Beckford and John Cass figures will be "retained and explained", as recommended by the UK government

Queen Victoria statue defrocked after ex-politician Nigel Farage blasts public art project addressing UK’s slavery history

Right-wing commentator says he is "tired of this endless conversation about the UK's complicity with slavery"

A ghost forest and a predator: New York public art grows a conscience

New sculptures in the city by Maya Lin and Sam Durant are not just pretty

Despite widespread opposition, 'sexist' Marilyn Monroe statue installed next to Palm Springs Art Museum

A number of activist groups are still fighting to relocate the statue, considered to be exploitative and sexist, from outside the museum

Imperialist statue must go: defying college's decision, more than 350 Oxford University academics demand Cecil Rhodes be removed

Oriel College's plan to keep the sculpture of "racist" 19th-century British mining magnate "does not reflect the Oxford we represent", say staff in a letter


Viking-age treasure: new insights into life 1,000 years ago

Plus, new proposals for the Fourth Plinth in London and Nike Air Force 1s

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Marc Quinn’s BLM protestor statue could be reinstalled on Bristol plinth that held slave trader monument

Sculpture of Edward Colston was pulled down by activists last summer and will now be placed in a museum

Antony Gormley lends sculpture to fill an empty spot on the medieval façade of Wells Cathedral in England

The near-life-size contemporary work will join 300 historic depictions of saints and kings

Are museums as Covid-risky as saunas? Culture leaders outraged over late reopening of English art spaces

Commercial galleries, non-essential retail, and even gyms have been given the green light to open before museums under the UK government's "roadmap" to lift coronavirus restrictions

Bank of England wades into UK's escalating culture war on controversial monuments, saying it will remove images of slave owners

“Retain and explain” or restrain and refrain? Culture chiefs raise the alarm on government’s policy to keep problematic statues ahead of crucial meeting

Amid child sexual abuse accusations, Paris authorities turn off Claude Lévêque light sculptures

The French artist is under police investigation over claims that he abused minors under the age of 15


Tearing down troubling statues is not lying about our history—it is removing impediments to truth

The UK communities secretary Robert Jenrick's plans to prevent the removal of controversial monuments reveals his inability to view the past as shifting and complex

UK government announces new laws to protect controversial historic monuments from 'woke worthies and baying mobs'

Proposed plans have been criticised as distraction tactics from the state's "lethally failed response to the pandemic and the consequences of a disastrous Brexit"

Enormous vulva sculpture in Brazil sparks conservative outrage

Juliana Notari's work was installed days after President Bolsonaro vowed to never legalise abortion

People see only 'silver tits' and 'bouffant pubes' now—but I predict Mary Wollstonecraft sculpture will become widely admired

One of the iron rules of art history is that the more derided a work of art at first, the more celebrated it will become

Twitter explodes with debate around long-awaited statue of feminist trailblazer Mary Wollstonecraft

Sculpture by Maggi Hambling is the result of a decade-long campaign to honour the 18th-century women's rights advocate

In honour of Armistice Day, more than 100 English war memorials listed as sites of historical importance

Monuments commemorating the First and Second World Wars—mostly built in small towns and villages—are added to Historic England's list of protected places

Waste of money? New Antony Gormley sculpture in British seaside city rattles residents

Plymouth city council unable to reveal cost of public project after signing confidentiality agreement with the artist

Memorial to police shooting victim Cherry Groce gets £82,000 boost from local London authorities

Brixton sculpture by David Adjaye is due to be unveiled in September, 35 years after a bungled police raid left her paralysed

Essex’s unlikely sculpture town is set for a renaissance

Built in the wake of the Second World War, Harlow maintains a remarkable collection with pieces by Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and Rodin

Riga installs six-metre statue to honour medical workers

Sculpture by Latvian artist Aigars Bikse is in a prominent spot in front of the National Museum of Art


What to do about problematic statues?

Plus, Hew Locke on Agostino Brunias's Dancing Scene in the West Indies. Produced in association with Christie's

Hosted by Ben Luke. Produced by Julia Michalska, David Clack and Aimee Dawson

As debate rages around controversial US monuments, New York park invites artists to make their own

The year-long programme Monuments Now at Socrates Sculpture Park in Queens aims to evaluate ideas around public art

Antony Gormley in talks with French government over sculpture project in Brittany

Brexit is a disaster for the UK, says the sculptor as he unveils his Field for the British Isles installation at Firstsite gallery in Colchester

In Pictures: the making of Europe’s largest public sculpture

Bernar Venet’s vast steel arc has been installed on a Belgian motorway

Art fairsarchive

Ai Weiwei digs deep in Warsaw's Brodno Sculpture Park project

Ai Weiwei has created a new work for Warsaw that will be invisible to the public


Culture cold war thaws between UK and Russia

Pressure eased over extradition of former KGB agent as Yuri Gagarin statue is unveiled in London