Hampton Court Palace

‘Once in a generation chance’: Hampton Court conservation grants visitors closer look at Chapel Royal

Works by Sir Christopher Wren and Sir James Thornhill can be observed from the chapel's Royal Pew until September

Anne Boleyn’s falcon—removed after her execution—returns to Hampton Court

The newly discovered emblem goes back on show on the 500th anniversary of the day King Henry VIII first met his future second wife

True mettle: restoring Hampton Court Palace's glorious but scarred Baroque iron screens

Reviving 17th-century Tijou screens commissioned by Protestant monarchs William and Mary means undoing decades of damage and haphazard repairs

Hidden LGBTQ histories of London's royal palaces to come out in new guided tours

Immersive performances will begin this month at Tower of London, with more planned at Hampton Court Palace and Kensington Palace

Expert finds lost dress of Queen Elizabeth I in English village church

Rare 16th-century fabric to go on show at Hampton Court Palace after three-year study

Grinling Gibbons, a superstar rediscovered at the V&A

Fires at the Pitti Palace and Hampton Court have led to this survey of baroque sculptor, Grinling Gibbons