Giacomo Medici

Germany returns looted antiquities in Berlin’s Altes Museum to Italy

As a “thank you” gesture, Italy is reciprocating with loans from Paestum and Naples

The Marion True case has concluded, but how does the former antiquities curator of the Getty Museum feel about the outcome?

“Neither condemned nor vindicated”: Marion True on why it is hard to accept the lack of verdict after her five-year trial

Marion True, former Getty curator, trial collapses

Victims include prime minister’s father-in-law and an old master art dealer

The Marion True trial: investigation continues

The trial of former Getty antiquities curator continues with prosecutor Daniela Rizzo offering witness evidence

Evidence of Getty Venus’s illicit origin shown to court

Trial of Marion True continues with more evidence against her presented in court

Marion True hearing postponed to March

Postponement is due to document translation troubles