
Westminster Abbey decides ‘in principle’ to return Ethiopian tabot

Discussions are ongoing between the Dean at Westminster and the Ethiopian Church over the possible restitution of the sacred object

King Charles III faces pressure to return sacred tabot—which symbolically represents the Ark of the Covenant—to Ethiopia

Westminster Abbey, which is directly under the monarch’s jurisdiction, currently refuses to return the holy tablet

Scholarly book on European coronation rituals supplies sound background to 11th-century art history

This book corrects the misleading impression given by historians that the High Middle Ages were a transition to secularisation of the royal state

Books: The ecumenicity of iconophobia

Christian, Jewish and Muslim anxieties about images

No, not Madonna the singer in the V&A's new Medieval and Renaissance galleries

How the Victoria & Albert Museum’s new Medieval and Renaissance galleries have dealt with our ignorance of Christianity

UK museums face controversial Ethiopian legacy: The Maqdala materials at the British Museum, the V&A, and the British Library

The Art Newspaper reveals that sacred Maqdala tablets are hidden away in a sealed store of the British Museum

Sinai monks in historic agreement with British Library over Codex Sinaiticus

Ownership dispute has been set aside for joint study and digitisation of the world’s oldest bible

Holy tabots to be transferred from British Museum to Ethiopian church

Conversely, the University of Edinburgh has ruled against returning their own war loot