Alexander Calder’s great-grandson Gryphon Rower-Upjohn is organising a sprawlingexhibition of work that melds sculpture, performance and sound in the deserttown of Marfa, Texas. The show is due to present work by artists including Calder,Beatrice Gibson, Lucky Dragons and Haroon Mirza, whose largest exhibition todate is on show at the Tinguely Museum in Basel (until 6 September). “I’mgiving the artists a lot of free reign,” Rower-Upjohn says. On the outskirts ofthe desert town, Mirza plans to install a stone circle that uses solar power toplay electronic music. A musician himself, Rower-Upjohn was inspired to do the showat Ballroom Marfa after researching Calder’s own experiments with sound andmusic. Provisionally titled Strange Attractors, the show is due to open in autumn2016.