Salón ACME

At Mexico City’s Material and Salón Acme fairs, artists go out on a limb

The long-running satellite fairs—which champion experimental, emerging and artist-run spaces—abound with adventurous works, tactile materials and body parts

Art fairsfeature

Ciudad de México destaca el talento artístico de Veracruz

Los artistas del estado costero son el tema de una sección especial en el Salón Acme, y el Muac alberga una retrospectiva dedicada a uno de sus predecesores

Art fairsfeature

Mexico City shines spotlight on Veracruz’s artistic talent

Artists from the coastal state are the subject of a special section at Salón Acme, while Muac hosts a retrospective devoted to an influential predecessor

Music festivals, mezcal bars and moderate price points: Zona Maco spearheads lively marquee art week in Mexico City

The week’s calendar of events is chock-full of parties and openings, and features a new local mini-fair

Smaller sales platforms spotlight artists without gallery representation during Mexico City’s fair week

Spaces like Salón ACME and Cinco Pisos en el Quinto offer a more ‘empathetic model’ as the region’s art market grows