Mary Boone
Mary Boone released from prison early after the facility sees spike in coronavirus cases
Jailed for tax fraud, the incarcerated Manhattan dealer has been moved to a re-entry facility just under half way through her 30-month sentence
Mary Boone sued by former director for withholding wages and ‘misappropriating’ more than $10m
The dealer allegedly had Gagosian gallery wire millions into her personal account for the sale of a Brice Marden painting to pay off tax penalties before she went to jail
Mary Boone's Manhattan galleries will close in April following her jail-time sentencing for tax fraud
Facing 30 months in prison beginning in May, the dealer calls herself the "Martha Stewart of the art world"
'Saddened, humbled and heartbroken': Mary Boone sentenced to 30 months in jail for tax fraud
New York art dealer falsely claimed around $1.6m in personal expenses as tax-deductible business expenses in 2011
Art dealer Mary Boone claims early-life trauma prompted her criminal tax evasion
A psychological evaluation submitted by her lawyers to a Manhattan federal court ask for leniency in judge’s ruling
Dealer Mary Boone pleads guilty to $1.6m in tax fraud
The art dealer will pay $3m in restitution to the IRS after falsifying returns to hide her use of gallery profits to upgrade her Manhattan home