Gabriel Orozco
Gabriel Orozco: ‘Trabajo a nivel internacional pero siempre manteniendo lazos con mi país’
Uno de los artistas contemporáneos más influyentes de México reflexiona sobre su legado con motivo de la extensa exposición de su trabajo en el Museo Jumex
Gabriel Orozco: ‘I work internationally while always maintaining ties with my country’
One of Mexico’s most influential contemporary artists, who is also at the helm of the transformation of a public park in Mexico City, discusses his life and work on the occasion of a showcase at Museo Jumex
Mexico City’s planned cultural complex in Chapultepec Park loses architect
While local activists have long resisted the $440m project, especially at a time when the country’s existing museums are in crisis, the city’s governor recently rejected a design for ambitious pedestrian bridge that did not meet technical criteria
Interview with Gabriel Orozco: “I am not into artists pretending to be heroes”
The Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco on his work, retrospectives and opening this year’s talks programme
Major Latin American art exhibition arrives in New York this month
This will be the largest show of modern Latin American art to be presented in the United States