Delfina Foundation


Curator formerly known as Aaron Cezar wows as Prince

The director of the Delfina Foundation showed off his inner purple during Singapore's Art SG fair

UK’s largest artist residency programme launches £7m fundraising campaign

The Delfina Foundation in London, which has hosted more than 450 artists and curators, hopes to secure its base and continue its programmes

UK general election 2024: what art world figures want from the new Labour government

After a landslide victory for the Labour party, we asked museum directors, artists and art historians what they hoped the new political era could mean for culture

Delfina Entrecanales, arts patron who founded the Delfina Foundation, has died, aged 94

A uniquely generous supporter of the arts who had been likened to a contemporary Medici, Entrecanales gave hundreds of artists the time and space to create but never demanded works in return